Deposit Refund Protection
Program (DRP)

Safety, Security, No Loss,
No Risk, No Hassle

Deposit Refund Protection Program (DRP)

The Deposit Refund Protection Program has 4 Simple Goals:


Program Overview:

After the client completes the Deposit Refund Protection Program Application below and signs the Deposit Refund Protection Program Agreement (26 Pages), the client then wires his deposit to a highly recognized and well respected International Attorney who is a Graduate of Yale University, has been practicing law since 1966, is currently registered with the Supreme Court Bar, has served as a Lawyer in London England and New York USA and has served the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Full disclosure of the Attorney, Program Protections, and the Bank Account the Deposit is wired to is provided in the Deposit Refund Protection Program Agreement.

When the Deposit funds are received the International Attorney certifies the funds are clean and from Non Criminal origins and then the funds are placed into the Deposit Refund Protection Programs Asset Management account. We 100% Capital Protect the clients funds by placing a Block on the funds prohibiting the funds from being withdrawn from the account and ensuring they remain safely deposited for the client until the client is fully repaid.

The Profit Process

Deposit Refund Payment:The Deposit Refund Protection Program makes the following payments to the client:

By the end of Week 9 the client has received 100% of their original funds repaid. At this point the client now has zero risk exposure in the transaction because ALL of their original capital has been repaid in full.


Transaction Deposit: The Deposit Refund Protection Program continues making the following payments:

The Deposit Refund Protection Program completes at this stage and these funds are then used as the “House Money” to complete the clients desired transaction.

Brokers & Consultants:

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We Take the Protection of Your
Deposit Seriously!

The power of this Deposit Refund Protection Program is that it enables the client to complete their intended transaction  (which is normally the Managed Bank Guarantee Program) with zero of their own money invested!


This Deposit Refund Protection Program observes all of those rules, Protects the client from any Downside Loss and gives the client Maximum Upside Potential Profits.

Top 6 Reasons Why
Ice Invest Capital Trading is #1


Company Founded
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We are the Provider for up to
99% of Deals we Process


We Operate our own Private
Placement Program & Account Management Systems

Program Recommendations:

Completion of the Deposit Refund Protection Program is now a mandatory for any client wanting to complete the Ice Invest Trading Managed Bank Guarantee Program. It is also recommended that all clients that want to Purchase Leased or Owned Bank Guarantees (BG) or Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) from Ice Invest Capital Trading Must complete the Deposit Refund Protection Program first.

This Deposit Refund Protection Program is also available for use by third party companies who need to take Deposits for Real Estate transactions, or Business Transactions, or other types of Finance Transactions. If you are interested in utilizing the Deposit Refund Protection Program for your clients and transactions, please Contact Us for a confidential discussion.

With 33 Years of Finance and Banking Industry Experience, Ice Invest Capital Trading Executive Team understands the Banking Industry from the Inside, because members of our Executive worked in the Financial Instruments Department of a World Top 25 Bank. We can Achieve Results others can’t because we understand from the Inside, what it takes to close a deal from the Outside!


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