Blocked Funds Program
(BFP) Swift MT799

Minimum Investment:


Minimum Investment Period:

2 Months

Our Blocked Funds Program gives Clients with large cash deposits in their bank the Benefit of High Safe Monthly Returns from a Private Placement Program (PPP) with the Safety and Security of their hard earned cash never leaving their own Bank Account with our Blocked Funds Program (BFP). Its Powerful, Safe and Very Profitable!

Special Blocked Funds Program - Available for a Strictly Limited Time:
Invest for 2 months, get paid for 10 Months!

Send us a MT799 Blocked Funds Confirmation from a Rated Bank and after 2 months we will release your Block and transfer it to Cash Security in the Blocked Funds Program that will continue to pay you up to 50% a month for the following 10 months. This means…. Your minimum 2 Million Dollar of Blocked funds is only encumbered or used for 2 months!


You will need to supply:

Complete the Blocked Funds MT799 Application Form at the bottom of this page and when we receive it we will book you a Meeting to answer any of your questions.

Stage 1: Blocked Funds Program Swift MT799

The Blocked Funds Program has the following 5 Requirements for Clients:

Clients who meet these requirements and are approved by our Compliance Department are eligible to participate in our Blocked Funds Program which enables you to retain your own funds in your own account and send a Swift MT799 confirmation of a Bank Admin Hold. This Swift MT799 is then placed into our Private Placement Program (PPP) to generate monthly returns which are paid to the client. A copy of the required Swift MT799 is enclosed in the Blocked Funds Application at the bottom of this page.


The advantages of this program are that Clients retain full security and full control of their own money and their funds remain safely in their own account and never leave it! The Program gives the client the perfect blend security of funds and healthy Private Placement Program (PPP) returns.

Stage 2: Private Placement Program (PPP)

{Stage 1:} Blocked Funds Program Swift MT799

100% Capital Protected / Zero Risk of
Capital Loss


To ensure our valued clients receive excellent returns while we protect and preserve clients funds in the Blocked Funds Program.

Why Investors Choose PPP:

Professional investors looking for better returns are starting to move away from standard asset classes like stocks, bonds and cash to Blocked Funds Programs. Blocked Funds Swift MT799 Private Placement Programs traditionally have been the domain of institutional investors or high net worth individuals because of their complex nature. However, since 2008 and the introduction of Fully Managed 100% Capital Protected Private Placement Programs it is now easier than ever for traditional investors to participate in Blocked Funds Swift MT799 Private Placement Programs.


The Ice Invest Capital Trading Blocked Funds Swift MT799 Private Placement Program (PPP) may include a trading portfolio of:


With a balance of Dynamic Trading Strategies, prudent Risk Management and Exceptional Liquidity our Blocked Funds Swift MT799 Private Placement Program (PPP) has consistently achieved outstanding historical results.

Our success is achieved because we operate a series of clearly defined Risk Protection Strategies including:

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BEWARE: All Private Placement Programs (PPP) are NOT Created Equal!

Most PPP Programs scream sky high interest returns and are silent about Risk. The truth is very few Private Placement Programs like the Ice Invest Capital Trading Program are 100% Capital Protected. At Ice Invest Capital Trading we value clients deposit funds safety before high interest returns!


The world is a volatile and turbulent place with unexpected economic changes happening unannounced. The truth is unanticipated market turmoil can hit at any time, we therefore strongly caution clients to place the elimination of risk well ahead of the banking of profits. Some PPP programs operate with considerable risk by over promising 100% or 200% returns per month while at the same time exposing investors to total loss of all funds. Getting rich and then getting wiped out is not a solid wise investment strategy and that’s why BOTH of the Ice Invest Capital Trading Private Placement Programs (PPP) offer realistic returns and 100% Capital Protection. We never want our clients to ever lose their initial invested deposit or capital.


Lets grow your asset safely together in the Ice Invest Capital Trading Blocked Funds Swift MT799 Private Placement Program (PPP), instead of going to the casino and betting it all on red or investing it in some other dodgy PPP program that promises a million percent return and exposes everything you have worked so hard for to oblivion.

Top 6 Reasons Why
Ice Invest Capital Trading is #1


Company Founded
in 1990


Banking Insiders
NOT Brokers


Your Privacy is
our Priority


Our Integrity is
Non Negotiable!


We are the Provider for up to
99% of Deals we Process


We Operate our own Private
Placement Program & Account Management Systems

We provide the #1: 100% Capital Protected Blocked Funds Swift MT799 Private Placement Program

Documents Required:

Critical Compliance Criteria:

Accepted Criteria:

The Blocked Funds Program Brussels Authenticated Swift MT799 MUST be sent from the Rated Bank which holds the clients Blocked Funds directly to the Bank Coordinates of our Blocked Funds Private Placement Program.

Rejected Criteria:

Client Standards:

Ice Invest Capital Trading requires clients meet key standards and pass compliance in order for us to consider working with them. We do not accept all clients because doing business with Ice Invest Capital Trading is a unique Privilege given solely to real, genuine, authentic clients, not a Right that is attainable by all. View our required Client Standards here.


With 33 Years of Finance and Banking Industry Experience, Ice Invest Capital Trading Executive Team understands the Banking Industry from the Inside, because members of our Executive worked in the Financial Instruments Department of a World Top 25 Bank. We can Achieve Results others can’t because we understand from the Inside, what it takes to close a deal from the Outside!


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